Dennis “Dink” Eugene Richter, beloved Father, Husband, Grandfather, Brother, Uncle, and Friend passed away at home September 11, 2014. He is preceded in death by his mother Francis J. Richter; father Charlie Jacob Richter; and dog Banjo. He is survived by his loving wife Dottie; three daughters Crystal Hohertz, Candace Helms, and Tigger Seeliger; son Dewayne Metcalf; siblings Charles Richter, Virginia Drastata, William “Red” Richter, Donnie Richter, Clayton Richter, Terry Richter, and their families; 10 grandchildren Hunter, Adale, Molly, Carlon Eugene, McKinzey, Logan, CiCi, Leah, Justin, and Paisleigh; and numerous Nieces, Nephews. God only knows how many lives Dink touched, but those that he talked to will miss him dearly.
Visitation will be 6:00-8:00 P.M. Friday, September 12, 2014. Celebration of Life Services will be held 3:00 P.M. Saturday, September 13, 2014 at Bastrop Providence Funeral Home.